
Next.js import and resize SVG in styled components

If you want to use SVG in your Next.js project with styled components you can find problem with import and resize image. I personally surprised by this problem.

Example: Next.js with styled components resize SVG

styled components

I started the same way I was used to using in CRA, but immediately ran into an issue regarding SVG support in Next.js but it had a quick solution Dangerously Allow SVG . My typing.d.ts file looked like this:

declare module '*.svg' {
  import React from 'react';

  const src: string;

  export const ReactComponent: React.FunctionComponent<React.SVGProps<SVGSVGElement>>;
  export default src;

I was looking for some solution for import, resize SVG in my project. I found several solutions that works, but it no worked for my purposes.

Successful solution but neither worked for my purposes

After a few hours of researched, I discovered that the default option for removeViewBox is set to true. When I changed the height or width in the SVG, the viewport from the SVG returned to the default state. The solution is edit the webpack configuration in next.config.js and set removeViewBox to false SVG resizing will work.

webpack(config) {
    loader: '@svgr/webpack',
    options: {
      prettier: false,
      svgo: true,
      svgoConfig: {
        plugins: [
            name: 'preset-default',
            params: {
              overrides: { removeViewBox: false },
      titleProp: true,
    test: /\.svg$/,

  return config;

If you are using .babelrc with inline-react-svg, this solution will not work for you.


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